Fall 2019 Math 61: Discrete Math
Math Sciences 3921
Office Hours
Tuesday + Thursday 4-5:30
(my last name) at math dot ucla dot edu
Course Materials
I've written some
notes on linear recurence relations
for those who are interested in reasons why linear recurence relations work the way that they do. This goes beyond the material of the class, but it may be interesting to think about.
Notes from Section
Week 0, Thursday - Induction
Week 1, Tuesday - Induction
Week 1, Thursday - Functions (and some induction)
Week 2, Tuesday - Functions and Equivalence Relations
Week 3, Tuesday - Counting
Week 3, Thursday - Counting
Week 4, Tuesday - Binomial Coefficients
Week 4, Thursday - Binomial Coefficients
Week 5, Tuesday/Thursday - Pigeonhole and Recurrence Relations
Week 6, Tuesday/Thursday - Graphs
Week 7, Tuesday - More Graphs
Week 8, Tuesday/Thursday - Graphs
Week 9, Tuesday/Thursday - Trees
Week 10, Tuesday/Thursday - Spanning Trees