Gone Fishing
This is the second meeting of the annual Gone Fishing event in North America for people interested in Poisson geometry to meet and discuss new ideas and results. It will be held on Sept. 29-30, 2012 at UCLA.
Confirmed Speakers:
Benoit Dherin, Rui Loja Fernandes, Marco Gualtieri, Henry Jacobs, Travis Li, Markus Pflaum, Mathieu Stienon, Xiang Tang, Yannick Voglaire, Alan Weinstein, Ping Xu, Song Yanli, Francois Ziegler
Due to the freeway closure over the conference weekend, the talks will end by noon on Sunday, September 30th.
Hotels and local information:
All talks will be held at the UCLA Mathematics department, located in the Mathematical Sciences Building on the UCLA campus. The mathematics department maintains a list of nearby hotels. Those traveling from LAX may find it convenient to take the Westwood-bound FlyAway Bus, which offers direct service from the airport to the UCLA campus.
We will be able to offer limited support from NSF for lodging of graduate students and postdocs.
Please contact the local organizer, Olga Radko, radko@math.ucla.edu, with any questions.
Previous conference in this series:
Gone Fishing 2011 (Wash. Univ.)