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Professor of Mathematics Department of Mathematics University of California, Los Angeles Office: Math Sciences Building 6191 E_ail: s_ari_i@math.uc_a.edu |
Short notes:
A proof of a duality result of Fukaya-Kato
A comparison of Poitou-Tate and Kummer maps
Modular symbols and Milnor K2
On the structure of a Galois Lie algebra (Luminy talk)
The computation of certain cohomology groups for p=2
Notes from lecture series:
Modular curves and cyclotomic fields, lecture
notes for AWS 2018
Slides and notes from talks:
Eisenstein cocycles and their specializations, ICMS workshop talk on 11/25/24
Eisenstein cocycles in motivic cohomology, CRM workshop talk on 10/19/20
Iwasawa modules of higher codimension,
AMS talk on 3/22/19
Reciprocity maps with restricted ramification, AMS talk on 1/6/17
Eisenstein congruences in arithmetic and geometry, UCLA colloquium on 10/22/15
The arithmetic of modular symbols, CMS Winter Meeting talk on 12/8/14
Iwasawa algebras and duality, BIRS talk on 3/6/13
Cup products and Selmer groups of reducible representations, CNTA X talk on 7/8/08
Reciprocity maps and p-adic L-functions, CNTA IX talk in 7/06
Iwasawa theory for Kummer extensions, AMS talk on 1/7/05
Computations on Milnor K2 of integer rings, Schloss Dagstuhl talk on 5/17/04
The various faces of a pairing on p-units, IU Bremen colloqium on 5/1/0/04
Iwasawa theory and the Eisenstein ideal, Miami Winter School talk on 12/18/03
Massey products and ideal class groups, MPIM seminar on 8/27/03
Galois groups and restricted ramification, UCSB colloquium in 2/03
Cup products and local embeddings of p-units, Stark's Conj. conference talk on 8/9/02
Computations of a pairing:
Magma routines for computing
the pairing
of the pairing for p < 10000
Table of the pairing for 10000 < p < 15000
Table of the pairing for 15000 < p < 20000
Table of the pairing for 20000 < p < 25000
Magma routines used in determining
nontriviality 1
Magma routines used in determining
nontriviality 2
Output of nontriviality routines for p = 37