Algebra and Number Theory RTG
RTG programs
RTG Programs in Algebra and Number Theory at UCLA, 2009-2014
Department of
The conferences and workshops supported
by the RTG Algebra and Number Theory at UCLA from 2009-2014 were:
- p-adic modular forms, L-functions, and Galois representations, FRG/RTG mini-conference
organized by D. Blasius, H. Hida, C. Khare and G. Schaeffer at UCLA, May 10-12, 2013.
- Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, workshop
organized by B. Sudakov, S. Das and H. Naves at UCLA, January 23-26, 2013.
- L-functions, Galois representations and Iwasawa theory,
FRG/RTG workshop
organized by D. Blasius, H. Hida, C. Khare, K. Prasanna,
C. Skinner and E. Urban at
University of Michigan,
May 17-22, 2011.
- Motives
and modular forms, mini-conference at UCLA,
November 11-12, 2010.
- Modular/geometric Iwasawa theory and p-adic L-functions, FRG/RTG workshop
organized by D. Blasius, H. Hida, C. Khare and E. Urban at
UCLA, June 14-20, 2010.