Christoph Thiele (UCLA)
Asilomar, by Clara Klein
The Summer School will take place from June 17.-22. 2001 at Asilomar Conference Ground , near Monterey, CA. Rides from UCLA (6-7h) will be available; otherwise there are commercial shuttle services from San Francisco and San Jose airports.
The typical participant will not be an expert on fluid dynamics, but will be working in some part of analysis or PDE, and interested in jointly learning a (new) subject. There are no special prerequisites, beyond some familiarity with analysis and/or PDE , but participants should be willing to prepare a 2h lecture on some topic in advance, and submit a 3-5 page summary of their topic one week prior to the Summer School. The topics are listed here.
The Summer School is primarily aimed at students working for a Ph.D. degree, or mathematicians with a recent Ph.D. It is one of a series of Summer Schools funded by NSF grant DMS 9985572, click here for previous Summer School
Sunday June 17 will be the arrival day (dinner served). From Monday to Friday the participants will give the lectures that they have prepared in advance. Departure will be on Friday June 22 after lunch.
Space is limited to 12 participants.
The NSF Career grant provides funding to cover accommodation costs (meals included). A contribution towards travelling expenses may be available upon request.
If you would like to participate, please send an informal email to by March 31. Please describe your professional status (graduate student, postdoc, etc) your area of research and your motivations for participating in the summer school.
Please also indicate your preference (if any) for a topic on which to prepare a lecture. The actual matching of topics with participants will be made around March 31.