Mario Bonk
Christoph Thiele
(UCLA and Bonn)
Huy Tran
(U Wash. Seattle and UCLA)
The Summer School will take place from September 21. - 26. 2014 at UCLA Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead, California. Lake Arrowhead is a mountain resort less than 2 hours drive East of Downtown LA.
The typical participant will be a graduate student or postdoc and not necessarily an expert on the topic, but interested in jointly learning a new subject.
Participants will be required to prepare a 2h lecture on some topic in advance (during the summer), and submit a 4-6 page summary of their topic, at the latest by September 7th 2013. The topics are listed here.
The Summer School is one of a series of Summer Schools funded by NSF grants. It is co-sponsored by DMS and by the RTG grant Analysis and Applications at UCLA.
Sunday September 21 will be the arrival day. Beginning Monday and ending Friday the participants will give the lectures that they have prepared in advance. Departure will be at noon on Friday September 26 .
Space is limited to 15 participants.
The NSF grants provide funding for accommodation. Travelling expenses should be generated by the participants. The closest airport is Ontario airport in San Bernardino county. There will also be a carpool from UCLA, (leaving 3pm on Sunday, return approximately 3pm on Friday) with stop at Ontario airport (after 4pm on Sunday, and before 2pm on Friday). People flying to LAX wanting to join the carpool will have to organize their own travel from LAX to UCLA (which is not too difficult).
If you would like to participate, please send an informal email to as soon as possible but no later than May 20th, 2014; one criterion in the selection of participants is the order in which applications are received. Please describe briefly your professional status (graduate student, postdoc, etc) your area of research and your motivations for participating in the summer school.
Please also indicate your preference for a topic on which to prepare a lecture. Please refer to the topics by the reference numer. The organizers are happy to answer questions on the assigned topics anytime.