Conference on
Complex and Harmonic Analysis
in honor of the 60th birthday of

John B. Garnett

December 8 & 9, 2001

Lectures to be held at Room 1200
in the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics at UCLA
(across the Street from the Mathematics Department)


Conference Schedule (tentative)
SATURDAY, December 8
08:30-09:00 Coffee & Light Breakfast
09:00-09:50 Peter Jones, Yale University
"Some open problems on conformal mappings"
10:10-11:00 Al Bearnstein, Washington University, St. Louis
"The stretch conjecture for Lipshitz functions in the plane."
11:20-12:10 Jean Bourgain, IAS Princeton
"Remarks on Spectra of Schrodinger operators"
Lunch Break
14:00-14:50 Alice Chang, Princeton University
"On a sharp pinching theorem of the 4- sphere"
15:10- 16:00 Michael Christ, UC Berkeley
"Cauchy-Riemann equations, magnetic Schrödinger equations, and long-range correlations of random zeros"
16:20-17:10 Joan Verdera, Barcelona,
"Analytic capacity and the T(b) theorem."
approx 17:30 - 21:00 Excursion to the Getty Museum (with informal dinner)
SUNDAY, December 9
08:30-09:00 Coffee & Light Breakfast
09:00-09:50 Jill Pipher, Brown University
"Approximating solutions to elliptic equations, and estimates for elliptic measures."
10:10-11:00 Kate Okikiolu, UC San Diego
"Spectral Zeta Functions"
11:20-12:10 Donald Sarason, UC Berkeley
"Zeros of Harmonic Polynomials"
12:30-01:20 Nikolai Makarov, Caltech
"Conformal welding"
2:30-5:30 Reception at John Garnett's house