Directions to the conference
The Los Angeles International airport (LAX) is closest to the UCLA campus. From the airport, take a shared-ride van (about $20) or a taxi (about $30) to your hotel. See also Travelling to UCLA on the Department of Mathematics web site.
Hotels near UCLA
See Accommodations. The two closest hotels are the UCLA guesthouse (which is on the UCLA campus) and Hilgard House (which is just off campus).
There are many places to eat both on and off-campus. On campus, the closes to the deparmtent of mathematics and IPAM are the Bombshelter Deli (located in the Court of Sciences, immediately to the east of the Mathematical Sciences building) and the food stores in the Ackerman Union (1st and 2nd floors, above the bookstore). Farther away is Cafe Roma, located in the Anderson School of Management (grid E3), and the Luvalle Commons (grid F3), located close to the UCLA guesthouse. (grid G3). Off-campus, there are many fine restaurants located in Westwood, south of campus.
Conference Site
The talks will take place at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM, grid F4 on the campus map) and the Department of Mathematics (located in the Mathematical Sciences building, grid E5-E4 on the campus map). Further details will be available on the conference program web page.
Financial support
We have applied for financial support to the National Science Foundation. To request financial support, please e-mail by April 1, 2003.