Merkurjev A., Scavia F. |
The lifting problem for Galois representations |
Merkurjev A., Scavia F. |
Galois representations modulo p that do not lift modulo p^2 |
Merkurjev A., Scavia F. |
Non-formality of Galois cohomology modulo all primes |
Merkurjev A., Scavia F. |
On the Massey Vanishing Conjecture and Formal Hilbert 90 |
Merkurjev A., Gherman M. |
Krull dimension of the negligible quotient in mod p cohomology of a finite group |
Merkurjev A., Scavia F. |
The Massey Vanishing Conjecture for fourfold Massey products modulo 2 |
Merkurjev A., Scavia F. |
Degenerate fourfold Massey products over arbitrary fields |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Poincaré duality for tautological Chern subrings of orthogonal grassmannians |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Indexes of grassmannians for spin groups |
Merkurjev A., Gherman M. |
Negligible degree two cohomology of finite groups |
Merkurjev A., Wertheim A. |
Invariants of algebraic tori of degree and weight 2 |
Merkurjev A. |
Additive operations between connective K-theory and Chow theory |
Devyatov R., Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Maximal indexes of flag varieties for spin groups |
Merkurjev A. |
Classification of special reductive groups |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
The Chow ring of the classifying space of the unitary group |
Merkurjev A., Vishik A. |
Operations in connective K-theory |
Haution O., Merkurjev A. |
Connective K-theory and Adams operations |
Friedlander E., Merkurjev A. |
The mathematics of Andrei Suslin Bulletin of the AMS, 57 (2020), no. 1, 1–-22. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Equivariant connective K-theory |
Merkurjev A. |
On a pairing for algebraic tori Mathematische Nachrichten, 292 (2019), 2283-2293. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Chow filtration on representation rings of algebraic groups |
Merkurjev A. |
Versal torsors and retracts Transformation Groups, 25(3), no. 1, (2020), 843-858. |
Bhaskhar N., Chernousov V., Merkurjev A. |
The norm principle for type Dn groups over complete discretely valued fields Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 372 (2019), no. 1, 97--117. |
Koldobsky A., Merkurjev A., Yaskin V. |
On polynomially integrable convex bodies Adv. Math., 320 (2017), 876--886. |
Merkurjev A. |
Rationality problem for classifying spaces of spinor groups Trudy Math. Inst. Steklov, 307 (2019), 132-141. |
Merkurjev A. |
Unramified degree three invariants for reductive groups of type A J. Algebra, 502 (2018), 49–60. |
Merkurjev A. |
Degree three unramified cohomology of adjoint semisimple groups Mathematische Zeitschrift, 289 (2018), no. 3, 1089--1119. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension Bulletin of the AMS, 54 (2017), no. 4, 635–-661. |
Garibaldi, S., Merkurjev A. |
Rost invariant on the center, revisited Pacific J. Math., 291 (2017), no. 2, 369–-397. |
Merkurjev A. |
Divisible abelian Brauer groups Doc. Math., Extra volume (2015), 461-462 (electronic). |
Merkurjev A., Tignol J.-P. |
Excellence of function fields of conics Enseign. Math., 62 (2016), no. 3-4, 421--456. |
Merkurjev A. |
Cohomological invariants of central simple algebras Izvestia RAN. Ser. Mat., 80, (2016), no. 5, 869-–883. |
Laackman D., Merkurjev A. |
Degree three cohomological invariants of reductive groups Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 91, (2016), no. 3, 493–-518. |
Merkurjev A. |
Invariants of algebraic groups and retract rationality of classifying spaces Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, AMS book Algebraic Groups: Structure and Actions, 94 (2017), 277--294. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential Dimension Bourbaki lecture, June 27, 2015, no 1101, Asterisque, 380 (2016), Exp. No. 1101, 423--448. |
Merkurjev A. |
Unramified degree three invariants of reductive groups Adv. Math., 293, (2016), 697--719. |
Merkurjev A. |
Motivic decomposition of certain special linear groups Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 369 (2017), no. 1, 555–-574. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Motivic decomposition of compactifications of certain group varieties J. Reine Angew. Math. 745, 2018, 41--58. |
Merkurjev A., Neshitov A., Zainoulline K. |
Invariants of degree 3 and torsion in the Chow group of a versal flag Compositio Mathematica, 151 (2015), no. 12, 1416–-1432. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Hermitian forms over quaternion algebras Compositio Mathematica, 150 (2014), no. 12, 2073-2094. |
Merkurjev A. |
Degree three cohomological invariants of semisimple groups J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 18 (2016), no. 2, 657-–680. |
Merkurjev A. |
Weight two motivic cohomology of classifying spaces for semisimple groups American Journal of Mathematics, 138, no. 3, (2016), 763-792. |
Merkurjev A. |
On the Chow group of cycles of codimension 2 Appendix to the paper: Barry D., Decomposable and indecomposable algebras of degree 8 and exponent 2, Math. Z. 276, (2014), no. 3-4, 1113–1132. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension: a survey Transformation Groups, 18, no. 2, (2013), 415-481. |
Blinstein S., Merkurjev A. |
Cohomological invariants of algebraic tori Algebra & Number Theory, 7 (2013), no. 7, 1643-–1684. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension of certain subfunctors Section 11d in Transformation Groups, 18, no. 2, (2013), 415-481. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
On standard norm varieties Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup., 4-e serie, 46 (2013), no. 8, 175–-214. |
Chernousov V., Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension of Spinor and Clifford groups Algebra & Number Theory, 2 (2014), no. 1, 457-–472. |
Merkurjev A. |
Developments in Algebraic K-Theory and Quadratic Forms After the Work of Milnor Collected papers of John Milnor, V: Algebra, 2010, 399-418. |
Chernousov V., Merkurjev A. |
Essential p-dimension of split simple groups of type A_n Mathematische Annalen, 357 (2013), no. 1, 1--10. |
Baek S., Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension of central simple algebras Acta Mathematica, 209 (2012), no. 1, 1–27 |
Merkurjev A. |
A lower bound on the essential dimension of simple algebras
Algebra & Number Theory, 4 (2010), no. 8, 1055-1076. |
Merkurjev A. |
Periods of principal homogeneous spaces
of algebraic tori
Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Mathematics, 43 (2010), no. 1, 39-43. |
Merkurjev A. |
Adams operations and the Brown-Gersten-Quillen spectral
Quadratic forms, linear algebraic groups, and cohomology, Dev. Math., 18, Springer, New York (2010), 305–313. |
Merkurjev A. |
Zero-cycles on algebraic tori
Geometry of algebraic cycles, Proceedings of the Conference on algebraic cycles March 25-29, 2008, Ohio State University, Clay Mathematical Proceedings, v. 9, 2010, 119-123 |
Merkurjev A., Suslin A. |
Motivic cohomology of the simplicial motive of a Rost variety
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 214 (2010), 2017-2026. |
Baek S., Merkurjev A. |
Invariants of simple algebras
Manuscripta Math., 129 (2009), no. 4, 409-421. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential p-dimension of PGL(p^2)
J. Amer. Math. Soc., 23 (2010), 693-712. |
Elman R., Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
The algebraic and
geometric theory of quadratic forms
American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, 56. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2008. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential p-dimension of finite groups |
Notes of mini-course in Lens, June 2008. |
Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension |
Proceedings of the International Conference on the Algebraic and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Frutillar, Chile, December 13-19, 2007, Contemp. Math., 493, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 2009, 299-325. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension of finite p-groups |
Invent. Math., 172 (2008), no. 3, 491--508. |
Merkurjev A. |
$R$-equivalence on $3$-dimensional tori and zero-cycles | Algebra & Number Theory, 2 (2008), no. 1, 69--90. |
Merkurjev A. |
Unramified elements in cycle modules | J. London Math. Soc., 78 (2008), 51-64. |
Colliot-Thelene J-L., Karpenko, N., Merkurjev A. |
Rational surfaces and canonical dimension of PGL6 | Algebra i Analiz, 19 (2007), no. 5, 159--178, translation in St.Petersburg Math.J. 19 (2008), no. 5, 793--804. |
Merkurjev A., Suslin A. |
The group of K1-zero-cycles on Severi-Brauer varieties |
J. Nova Journal of Algebra and Geometry, 1, no. 3 (1992), 297-315. |
Chernousov V., Merkurjev A. |
Connectedness of classes of fields and zero cycles on projective homogeneous varieties |
Compositio Mathematica, 142 (2006), no. 6, 1522–1548. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Canonical p-dimension of algebraic groups |
Adv. Math. 205 (2006), no. 2, 410-433. |
Merkurjev A. |
Algebraic Cobordism Theory |
Notes of mini-course in Lens, June 2004. |
Chernousov V., Merkurjev A. |
Motivic decomposition of projective homogeneous varieties and the Krull-Schmidt theorem |
Transformation Groups, 11, no. 3, (2006), 371-386. |
Merkurjev A. |
On the norm residue homomorphism of degree two |
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society. Vol. XII, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 219, 103-124, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 2006. |
Merkurjev A. |
SK1 for degree 4 simple algebras |
$K$-Theory, 37 (2006), 311-319. |
Garibaldi S., Merkurjev A., Serre J-P. |
Cohomological Invariants in Galois Cohomology |
American Mathematical Society University Lecture Series, 28. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2003. |
Merkurjev A. |
Steenrod operations in algebraic geometry |
Notes of mini-course in Lens, June 2003. |
Merkurjev A. |
Rational correspondences |
Chernousov V., Gille S., Merkurjev A. |
Motivic decomposition of isotropic projective homogeneous varieties | Duke Math. J.. Vol. 126, 2005, 137--159. |
Merkurjev A. |
Equivariant K-theory | J. Handbook of $K$-theory. Vol. 1, 2, Springer, Berlin, 925-954, 2005. |
Merkurjev A. |
Steenrod operations and degree formulas | J. Reine Angew. Math. 565, 2003, 13-26. |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Rost projectors and Steenrod operations |
Doc. Math., 7 (2002), 481-493 (electronic). |
Karpenko N., Merkurjev A. |
Essential dimension of quadrics |
Invent. Math., 153 (2003), no. 2, 361-372. |
Merkurjev A. |
Algebraic oriented cohomology theories |
Algebraic Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry, 171-194, Contemp. Math., 300, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 2002. |
Merkurjev A. |
Rost's degree formula |
Notes of mini-course in Lens, June 2001. |
Merkurjev A., Parimala R., Tignol J.-P. |
Invariants of quasi-trivial tori and the Rost invariant |
Algebra i Analiz, 14 (2002), no. 5, 110-151, translation in St.Petersburg Math.J. 14 (2003), no. 5, 791-821. |
Merkurjev A. |
Unramified cohomology of classifying varieties for classical simply connected groups |
J. Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup., 4-e serie, 35 (2002), 445-476. |
Barquero P., Merkurjev A. |
Norm Principle for Reductive Algebraic Groups |
J. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry TIFR, Mumbai, January 4-12, 2000. |
Chernousov V., Merkurjev A. |
R-equivalence in spinor groups |
J. Amer. Math. Soc., 14 (2001), 509-534. |
Merkurjev A. |
invariants of simply connected groups of rank 3
Journal of Algebra, 227 (2000), no. 2 , 614-632. |
Merkurjev A. |
of algebraic groups
J. Reine Angew. Math., 508 (1999), 127-156. |