S C I E N T I F I C    P U B L I C A T I O N S           



Pure and Applied

Mark Burgin

Books and booklets are in bold letters                


1.      Imbedding a group amalgam with some  property into a group with the same property, Mathematics of the USSR - Sbornik, 1967, v.3, No. 1 (v.74, No. 1), pp. 147-160     (translated from Russian)

2.      Imbedding an amalgam of groups into a group, VIII All-Union Colloquium on General  Algebra, Riga, 1967, p. 21     (in Russian)

3.      Categories with involution and correspondences in g-categories, IX All-Union Algebraic Colloquium, Gomel, 1968, pp.34-35      (in Russian)

4.      Generalized free and permutation products of groups, IX All-Union Algebraic Colloquium, Gomel, 1968, pp. 36-37       (in Russian)

5.      Some properties of the generalized free products and imbedding of group amalgams, Math. of the USSR - Sbornik, 1969, v. 5, No. 1 (v. 80, No. 2) , pp. 162-180      (translated from Russian)

6.      The Freiheitssatz in some varieties of linear W-algebras and  W-rings,  Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1969, v. 24, No. 1, pp. 27-38       (translated from Russian)

7.      g-categories and categories with involution, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1969, v. 24, No. 2, pp. 221-222       (in Russian)

8.      P-products of linear  W-algebras,   X All-Union Algebraic Colloquium, Novosibirsk, 1969,      pp. 84-85         (in Russian)

9.      Principal objects in abelian categories and the related torsion, X All-Union Algebraic Colloquium, Novosibirsk, 1969, pp. 107-108        (in Russian)

10.  Categories of relations over semiabelian categories,   Notices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1969, v. 10 (v. 189, No. 6) , pp. 1174-1176         (translated from Russian)

11.  Gruppoid of linear   W-algebras varieties, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1970, v. 25, No. 3, pp. 263-264        (in Russian)

12.  Homological algebra in  G-primitive g-categories, Doklady of the Academy of Science of Belorussia, 1970, v. 14, No. 7, pp. 585-587        (in Russian)

13.  Permutational products of linear  W-algebras,  Soviet Math. Izvestiya, 1970, v. 4, No. 3, pp. 977-999     (translated from Russian) 

14.  Categories with involution and relations in g-categories, Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, 1970, v. 22 (1972) , pp. 161-228  (translated from Russian, AMS, 1972)

15.  Free epimorphic images of free linear   W-algebras, Conference on Algebra, Mathematical Logic and Computational Mathematics, Ivanovo, 1970, pp. 105-106        (in Russian)

16.  Linear  W-algebras with zero grade identities,  XI All-Union Algebraic Colloquium,  Kishinev, 1971, pp. 243-244     (in Russian)

17.  Some problems of the theory of  topological algebras,   XI All-Union Algebraic Colloquium, Kishinev, 1971, pp. 244-245           (in Russian)

18.  Free decompositions with a common subobject,  XI All-Union Algebraic Colloquium, Kishinev,   1971, pp. 245-246         (in Russian)

19.  Wreath products of linear W-algebras,   Mathematics, Izvestiya VUZOV, 1971, No.6, pp. 9-17  (translated from Russian: Soviet Mathematics, 1971, v. 15, No. 6)

20.  Correspondences, central ideals  and homological algebra in g-categories,  Moscow State University, 1971, 24 p. (in Russian)

21.  Free topological groups and universal algebras,  Notices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1972, v. 204, No. 1, pp. 9-11         (translated from Russian: 1972, v. 13, No. 3)

22.  Free quotients of free linear  W-algebras, Matematicheskiye Zametki, 1972, v. 11, No. 5, pp. 537-544   (translated from Russian)

23.  Schreier varieties of linear  W-algebras, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1972, v. 27, No. 5, pp. 227-228    (in Russian)

24.  Linear  W-algebras over commutative rings and attainable varieties,  Vestnik of the Moscow University, 1972, v. 27,  No. 2 , pp. 56-63     (in Russian)

25.  Some properties of subalgebras in varieties of linear  W-algebras,   Soviet Mathematics -  Sbornik, 1972, v. 12, No. 1 (v. 87, No. 1) , pp .67-82       (translated from Russian, in collaboration) 

26.  Subalgebras of the free topological algebras,  VI All-Union Topological Conference,  Tbilisi, 1972, pp. 24-25      (in Russian)

27.  Topological algebras with continuous operations, VI All-Union Topological Conference, Tbilisi, 1972, pp. 25-26      (in Russian)

28.  Linear  W-algebras and the Freiheitssatz, Vestnik of the Moscow University, 1972, v.27, No. 5, pp. 72-77   (in Russian)

29.  Central extensions in g-categories, Notices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1972, v. 205, No. 5 , pp. 1019-1021   (translated from Russian: 1972, v. 13, No. 4)

30.  Free products of linear W-algebras, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1973, v. 28, No. 6, p. 195   (in Russian)

31.  Topological algebras with continuous operations, Notices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1973, v. 213, No. 3, pp. 505-508     (translated from Russian)

32.  Subalgebras of the free products of linear W-algebras, Transactions  of  the Moscow Mathematical Society, 1973, v. 29  (1976) , pp. 101-117         (translated from Russian, AMS, 1976)

33.  Malcev postulate for the free products of topological groups, III All-Union Symposium for general topology, Tiraspol, 1973, p.21    (in Russian)

34.  Schreier varieties of linear algebras, Soviet Mathematics - Sbornik, 1974, v. 22, No. 4  (v. 93, No. 4), pp. 555-573                   (translated from Russian)

35.  Free products in the varieties of  groups, Vestnik of the Moscow University, 1974, No. 3, p. 105    (in Russian)

36.  Kurosh varieties of linear  algebras,  II All-Union Symposium on the theory of rings, modules and algebras, Tiraspol, 1974, p. 11    (in Russian)

37.  Topological linear  W-algebras,  II All-Union Symposium on the theory of rings, modules and algebras, Tiraspol, 1974, p. 12     (in Russian)

38.  S-bounded products of linear W-algebras, Matematicheskiye Issledovaniya, 1974, v. 16, No. 3, pp. 39-52   (in Russian)

39.  The cancellation law and accessible classes of linear W-algebras, Matematicheskiye Zametki, 1974, v. 13, No. 6, pp. 467-478   (translated from Russian)

40.  Free products in group varieties,  Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1974, v.29, No. 6, pp. 159-160     (in Russian)  

41.  Identities in linear  W-algebras,  Vestnik of the Moscow University, 1975, No.4, p. 117         (in Russian)

42.  Linear  W-algebras,   Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1975, v. 30, No. 4, pp. 61-106              (translated from Russian, in collaboration) 

43.  The set of Schreier varieties of linear  W-algebras, Vestnik of the Moscow University, 1976, No. 3, p. 130       (in Russian)

44.  Multiplication of varieties of linear  W-algebras,   Mathematics, Izvestiya VUZov, 1976, No. 5, pp. 3-14         (translated from Russian: Soviet Mathematics, 1976, v. 20, No. 5)

45.  Varieties of linear  W-algebras, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1976, v. 31, No. 4, pp. 255-256    (in Russian)

46.  Relative closures and preclosures on sets,   Vestnik of the Moscow University, 1976, No. 6, p. 121    (in Russian, in collaboration) 

47.  Free subalgebras of topological algebras, Notices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1976, v. 17, No. 5  (v. 229, No. 3), pp. 534-537  (translated from Russian)

48.  Non-classical models of natural numbers, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1977, v. 32, No. 6, pp. 209-210               (in Russian)

49.  Some properties of the set of Schreier varieties of linear W-algebras,   Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 1979, v.26, No. 2

50.  Free sums of principal objects, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 1979, v.26, No. 3

51.  Compactly generated algebras with continuous operations, International Topological Conference, Moscow, 1979, p. 29           (in Russian)

52.  Algebras with continuous systems of operations freely generated by  kw-spaces, IV Symposium on General Topology, Tiraspol, 1979, pp. 147-151     (in Russian)

53.  Preclosures  and  closures of relations,  in "Problems  of  optimal algorithm realization", Kiev, 1979, pp. 19-35     (in Russian, in collaboration) 

54.  Representation of linear W-algebras in the form of a product, Mathematics: Izvestiya VUZov, 1980, v. 24, No. 10, pp. 6-14        (translated from Russian: Soviet Mathematics, 1980, v. 24, No. 10, pp.1-12)

55.  Free algebras with continuous systems of operations, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 1980, v.35, No. 3, pp. 147-151     (translated from Russian)

56.  Reduction of algebras with infinite sets of operations, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1980, v. 1, No. 4

57.  Some toirsions in abelian categories with principal objects, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1980, v. 1, No. 5

58.  Dual arithmetics, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1980, v. 1, No. 6

59.  Kurosh varieties of linear W-algebras, in "Problems of group theory and homological algebra", Yaroslavl, 1981, pp. 17-27      (in Russian)

60.  Some generalizations of the theorems of Cauchy and d'Alembert, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1981, v. 2, No. 1

61.  Decision problems for linear W-algebras,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1981, v. 2, No. 2

62.  Generalized Freiheitssatz in linear W-algebras with graded presentation, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1981, v. 2, No. 3

63.  Residual properties of linear W-algebras, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1981, v. 2, No. 6

64.  Schreier and Kurosh varieties of Lie triple systems, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1981, v. 2, No. 7

65.  Operations induced by replica complete classes of linear  W-algebras,   XVI All-Union Algebraic Conference, Leningrad, 1981, pp. 20-21      (in Russian)

66.  On autoprojective principal objects,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1982, v. 3, No. 2

67.  Decompositions of principally q-generated objects, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1982, v. 3, No. 3

68.  Subsemigroups of free products in  varieties  of semigroups, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1982, v. 3, No. 5

69.  Named sets and their subsets, VI All-Union Conference in Mathematical Logic, Tbilisi, 1982, p. 25       (in Russian, in collaboration)

70.  Algorithmic problems in linear algebras, All-Union Symposium on the Theory of Rings, Modules and Algebras, Novosibirsk, 1982, pp. 24-25        (in Russian)

71.  Principally generated objects in abelian categories, XVII All-Union Algebraic Conference, Minsk, 1983, pp. 33-34       (in Russian)

72.  Extensions of Relations, in "Mathematical Linguistics and the Theory of Algorithms," Kalinin,  1983, pp. 5-12      (in Russian)

73.  Operators of closure for relations and binary operations,  in "Operation research and Automated Control Systems," Kiev, 1983, pp. 20-29         (in Russian, in collaboration)

74.  Subobjects in the categories of named sets,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1983, v. 4, No. 2, p. 191     (in collaboration)

75.  Named sets and their categories, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1983, v. 4, No. 3, p. 291    (in collaboration)

76.  Named power-sets,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1983, v. 4, No. 4, p. 312     (in collaboration)

77.  Multicardinals, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1983, v. 4, No. 7, p. 579

78.  Some properties of abelian categories with principal objects, in “The Theory of Semigroups and its Applications,”  Saratov, 1983, v. 6, pp. 99-112       (in Russian)

79.  Representation of Algebraic and Topological Constructions by Means of Generalized Connected Relations,  in  "Properties of Semigroups," Leningrad, 1984, pp. 15-25        (in Russian)

80.  Homomorphisms of a vector space into itself,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1984, v. 5, No. 1

81.  $-varieties and their homomorphisms, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1984, v. 5, No. 2

82.  Some aspects of multicombinatorics,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1984, v. 5, No. 4

83.  Functors in categories of named sets,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1984, v. 5, No. 7

84.  Principally generated radicals in abelian categories, in "Problems of group theory and homological algebra," Yaroslavl, 1985, pp. 104-116     (in Russian) 

85.  Galois Grouppoids,   XVIII All-Union  Algebraic Conference, pt. 1, Kishinev, 1985, p. 73     (in Russian) 

86.  Approximation of Linear Algebras and Grouppoids,  in "Algebraic systems with one action and relation," Leningrad, 1985, pp. 3-13       (in Russian) 

87.  Strict Kurosh varieties of semigroups,  Semigroup Theory and its Applications, Saratov, 1985, No. 5, pp. 22-28       (in Russian) 

88.  New aspects of multicombinatorics, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1985, v. 6, No. 2

89.  Functional bisequences, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1985, v. 6, No. 3

90.  Order cardinality of named sets, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1985, v. 6, No. 4

91.  2-distributions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1985, v. 6, No. 5

92.  Abstract theory of properties,  in "Non-classical Logics," Moscow, 1985, pp. 109-118    (in Russian) 

93.  Mathematics,  in "Philosophical Dictionary," Kiev, 1986, pp. 354-355                  (in Ukrainian)

94.  Theory of Categories,  in "Philosophical Dictionary," Kiev, 1986, pp. 268-269      (in Ukrainian)

95.  Probability Theory, in "Philosophical Dictionary,"  Kiev, 1986, p. 224                (in Ukrainian)

96.  Catastrophe Theory,  in "Philosophical Dictionary," Kiev, 1986, p. 268               (in Ukrainian)

97.  Mathematical Constructivism,  in "Philosophical Dictionary," Kiev, 1986, pp. 356-357     (in Ukrainian)

98.  Constructive Logic, in "Philosophical Dictionary," Kiev, 1986, pp.  304-305     (in Ukrainian)

99.  Continuum, in "Philosophical Dictionary," Kiev, 1986, p. 306                       (in Ukrainian)

100.     Operations on spaces of distributions,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1986, v. 7,  No. 1

101.     Algebras of d-distributions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1986, v. 7, No. 2

102.     Universality of algebras of distributions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1986, v. 7, No.3

103.     Upper multicardinals, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1986, v. 7, No.4

104.     Logical deductive varieties, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1986, v. 7, No. 6, p. 431

105.     Quantifiers in the Theory of Properties,  in "Nonstandard Semantics of Non-classical Logics,"  Moscow, 1986, pp. 99-107          (in Russian)

106.     Cardinality of named sets and multicardinal numbers,    VIII All-Union conference on Mathematical  Logic, Moscow, 1986, p. 24     (in Russian)

107.     Operations  with  named  sets,  in "Ordered sets and lattices," Saratov, 1986, pp. 3-12      (in Russian)

108.     Logical model varieties, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1987, v. 8, No. 1, p. 137

109.     Compactness Theorem for logical varieties,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1987, v. 8, No. 3, p.283

110.     Spaces of D-numbers, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1987, v.8, No.4

111.     Generalized measures and integration,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1987, v. 8, No. 5

112.     Induced generalized measures, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1987, v. 8, No. 6

113.     Functor semantics in categories of named sets, in "Rationality, Reasoning, Communication," Kiev, 1987, pp. 183-198    (in Russian)

114.     Functor operations in varieties of linear W-algebras, in “The  Theory of Semigroups and its Applications,” No. 7, Saratov, 1987, pp. 9-20     (in Russian)

115.     Algebraic structures of distributions, Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1987, No. 7, pp. 5-9     (in Russian and Ukrainian) 

116.     Functional integrals and  w-integration,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1988, v. 9, No. 1

117.     Categories as systems of named sets, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1988, v.  9, No. 2

118.     Functors as mappings of named sets, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1988, v.  9, No. 3

119.     Counting operations with named sets , Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1988, v. 9, No. 4

120.     First order model theories, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1988, v. 9, No. 5

121.     Asymptotic series and w-numbers, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1988, v. 9, No. 6

122.     Arithmetical hierarchy and inductive Turing machines,   Notices of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1988, 299, No. 3, pp. 530-533   (translated from Russian: v. 37, No.2, pp. 390-393) 

123.     Categorical named sets, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1989, v. 10, No. 2

124.     Rules of composition and c-categories,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1989, v. 10, No. 3

125.     Topological, Algebraic and Logical Varieties as Named Sets, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1989, v. 10, No. 5

126.     Existential and universal properties,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1989, v. 10, No. 6

127.     Hypermeasures and hyperintegration,  Doklady of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1990, No. 6, pp. 10-13      (in Russian and Ukrainian) 

128.     Concepts, Types and the Theory of Abstract Properties, X All-Union Conference for Mathematical Logic, Alma-Ata, 1990, p. 30     (in Russian, in collaboration) 

129.    Arithmetic of the multicardinal numbers,  X All-Union Conference for Mathematical Logic, Alma-Ata, 1990, p. 29       (in Russian)

130.    Extensions of scientific theories and named sets,   X All-Union Conference for Mathematical Logic, Alma-Ata, 1990, p. 31    (in Russian, in collaboration) 

131.     Theory of Named Sets as a  Foundational Basis for Mathematics,  in "Structures in Mathematical Theories," San Sebastian, 1990, pp. 417-420

132.    Information and language, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1990, v. 11, No. 1

133.    Formal (syntactical) calculi of properties, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1990, v. 11, No. 3

134.    Generalized product-measures, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1990, v. 11, No. 4

135.    Projective operations in named sets, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1990, v. 11, No. 5

136.    Exact formal calculi of properties, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1990, v. 11, No. 6

137.    Infinite-valued measures and integration, XVI School on the theory of operators in functional spaces, Nijnii Novgorod, 1991, p.28      (in Russian)

138.    Dynamic information theory, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1991, v. 12, No. 1

139.    Measures of information, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1991, v. 12, No. 3

140.    Independent exposition of named sets theory, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1991, v. 12, No. 4

141.    Approximation of fuzzy logics by logical varieties, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1991, v.  12, No. 6

142.    On the Hahn-Banach theorem for hyperfunctionals, Doklady of the Ukrainian Academy  of Sciences, 1991, No. 7, pp. 9-14     (in Russian, in Ukrainian) 

143.     Hyperfunctionals in linear spaces, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1991, v. 12,  No. 5

144.    Fuzzy optimization on matrix sets,  EURO XI, 11 European Congress on Operational Research, Aachen, 1991, p. 39 

145.     Categories, semigroups and named sets, Semigroup Theory and Applications, Saratov, 1991, v. 10, pp. 7-16      (in Russian)

146.     Named set compositions in  categories,  in "Problems of group theory and homological algebra," Yaroslavl, 1991, pp. 39-52        (in Russian)

147.    Continuity Measures of Mappings of Topological Spaces,   IX International Conference on Topology and its Applications Kiev, 1992, p. 63      (in collaboration) 

148.    Topological spaces of extrafunctions, IX International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Kiev, 1992, p. 62

149.    Fuzzy sets as named sets,  Fuzzy sets and systems, 1992, v. 46,  No. 2, pp. 189-192               (in collaboration) 

150.    Topological Characterization of Hypernumbers, VIII Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, New York, 1992, p. 4

151.    Continuity Defect for Mappings of Topological Spaces, VIII Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, New York, 1992, p. 39     (in collaboration)      

152.    Towards the theory of continuity defect and continuity measure for mappings of metric spaces,  in "Matematika" Acta Univ. Latv., No. 576, Riga, 1992, pp. 45-62  (in collaboration)      

153.    Logical varieties and the Gödel theorem, XI International conference on mathematical logic, Kazan, 1992, p. 30  

154.    Incompleteness Theorem for Logical Varieties, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1992, v. 13, No. 1, p. 191

155.    On one theorem of neoclassical analysis, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1992, v. 13, No. 3, p. 339

156.    Nonstandard Function Theory, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1992, v. 13, No. 4, pp. 405-405

157.    Construction Axioms for Nonstandard Analysis, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1992, v. 13, No. 5, pp. 512-513

158.    Construction axioms for hypernumbers, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1992, v. 13, No. 6, p. 533

159.    Algebraic Structures of Multicardinal Numbers,  in "Problems of group theory and homological algebra," Yaroslavl, 1992, pp. 3-20       (in Russian)

160.    Spaces of extrafunctions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1993, v. 14, No. 2

161.    Expressive possibilities of deductive methods in mathematics, XIX World Congress of Philosophy, Abstracts, v.1, Moscow, 1993, p. 292        (in Russian)

162.    Fuzzy continuous mappings, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1993, v. 14,  No. 3     (in collaboration)

163.    Two approaches to continuity measure, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1993, v. 14, No. 3

164.    Universal theory of integration: General approach, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1993, v. 14,  No. 5

165.    An Axiomatic System for the Theory of Named Sets, in “The Theory of Semigroups and its Applications,” No.11, Saratov, 1993, pp. 8-17     (in Russian)

166.    Universal theory of integration: Riemann model, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1993, v. 14,  No. 6

167.    Space-time manifold as a dynamic scale, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1993, v. 14,  No. 7

168.    Differential Calculus For Extrafunctions,  Doklady of the Academy of Science of Ukraine, 1993, No. 11, pp. 5-9 

169.    Fuzzification of the theory of continuous functions,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1994, v. 62, No. 1, pp. 71-81    (in collaboration) 

170.    Hypernumbers and fuzzy convergence, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1994, v.15, No.1

171.    Problems of mathematical analysis teaching: from classical to neoclassical analysis,  International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich, 1994, p. 263

172.    Cardinal typology of sets,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1994, v.15, No. 4    (in collaboration) 

173.    Sequences, series and hypernumbers, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1994, v.15, No. 5

174.    Law of inverse ratio, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1994, v.15, No.7

175.    Logical Modeling of Scientific Theories, in “Theories and Models in Scientific Processes”, Warsaw, 1994, pp. 14-16 

176.    Fundamental Base of the Theory of Triads, Idea, 1994, No. 2, pp. 32-45      (in Ukrainian)

177.    Dynamic scales in unified theories,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v. 16, No. 1

178.    Local and global integration, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v. 16, No. 2

179.    A new criterion of continuity of real functions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v.16, No. 2

180.    Generalized Baire theorem, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v.16, No. 3

181.    Formal Theory of Time, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v.16, No. 3

182.    Universal theory of integration: Daniel integral, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v.16, No. 4

183.    Hypermetrics and hyperspaces,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1995, v.16, No. 4

184.     A method of solving operator equations by means of the theory of hypernumbers, Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1995, No. 8, pp. 27-30     (in Russian, in collaboration)

185.    Neoclassical Analysis: Fuzzy Continuity and Convergence, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1995 v.75, No. 2, pp. 291-299

186.     Integral Calculus for Extrafunctions,  Doklady of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1995, No. 11, pp. 14-17

187.     Similarity loops in time,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1996, v.17, No. 1

188.     Universal theory of differentiation: General approach,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1996, v.17, No. 1

189.     Leibnitz-Newton theorem in the universal theory of integration, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1997, v.18, No. 1

190.     Non-Diophantine Arithmetics or is it Possible that 2+2 is not Equal to 4?    Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1997        (in Russian)

191.     Calculus of Abstract Properties, International conference "Smirnov's Readings", Moscow, 1997, p. 93                     (in Russian) 

192.     Approaches to the Notion of the  Actual Infinity in Mathematics, in "Infinity in Mathematics,"  Moscow, 1997, pp. 97-107                  (in Russian) 

193.     Stratified Universal Algebras, International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the Memory of Prof.  L.M.Gluskin, Kharkov, 1997,  pp. 96-97 

194.     Hypernormed Spaces and Algebras, International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the Memory of Prof.  L.M.Gluskin, Kharkov, 1997,  pp. 97-98  

195.    Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Science, Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1997, 106 p.    (Editor, in Russian)

196.     Logical Varieties and Covarieties,   in "Methodological and Theoretical Problems  of Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Sciences," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1997, pp. 18-34      (in Russian) 

197.     Superposition of Fuzzy Continuous Functions,  in "Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Sciences," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1997, pp. 45-51         (in Russian, in collaboration)

198.     Extended Fixed Point Theorem, in "Methodological and Theoretical Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Sciences," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1997, pp. 52-60          (in Russian)

199.     Functions with finite fluctuation,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1997, v.18, No. 3     (in collaboration) 

200.     Foundations of Mathematics Revisited, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1997, v.18, No. 2

201.     Discontinuous Topology,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1997, v.18, No. 2

202.     Relativized fuzzy continuous functions,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1997, v.18, No. 2

203.     Fuzzy fixed point theorem, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1997, v.18, No. 4

204.     On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics, Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1998     (in Russian)

205.     Finite and Infinite,  in  "On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics, Appendix," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1998, pp. 97-108                            (in Russian)

206.     Spaces of the Fuzzy Continuous Functions,  in "On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics, Appendix," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1998, pp. 113-121                  (in Russian, in collaboration)

207.     One-sided Defects of Continuity and Fuzzy Continuous Functions, in "On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics, Appendix," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1998, pp. 122-128                             (in Russian, in collaboration)

208.     Multicombinatorics: Combinatorial Problems in the Theory of Named Sets, in "On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics, Appendix," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1998, pp. 129-135

209.     Paraconsistent Logics and Logical Varieties, in "On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics, Appendix," Ukrainian Academy of Information Sciences, Kiev, 1998, pp. 109-112     (in Russian)

210.     Weak Deductive Covarieties,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1998, v.19, No. 2

211.     Fuzzy Continuity in Analysis,  7th International Scientific Kravchuk Conference,  Kyiv, 1998, p. 72      (in Ukrainian, in collaboration)

212.     Extended Fuzzy Continuity,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1999, v.20, No. 1

213.     Fuzzy Contractions and Fixed Points, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1999, v.20, No. 2, p. 392  (942nd AMS Meeting, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 10-11, 1999, pp. 38-39)

214.     Categories and Populations,  Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1999, v.20, No. 2, p. 414

215.     Relatively Continuous Mappings of Topological Spaces, Abstracts of the 14th Summer Conference on General Topology and Applications, Long Island, 1999, p. 6 (http://atlas-conferences.com/c/a/c/l/63.htm)

216.     Related Hypernumbers,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1999, v.20, No. 4, p. 699

217.     Fuzzy Completeness of Metric Spaces,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 1999, v.20, No. 4, pp. 699-700

218.     General Approach to Continuity Measures,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1999, v. 105, No. 2, pp. 225-231

219.     Theory of Hypernumbers and Feynman Integrals, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2000, v.21, No. 1, p. 71

220.     General Compactness Theorem,   Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2000, v.21, No. 1, p. 249

221.     Axiomatic Representation of the Enhanced Banzhaf Power Index, in “11th International Conference on Game Theory”, Book of Abstracts, Stony Brook, 2000, pp. 17-18    (in collaboration)

222.     Extremum Criteria in Neoclassical Analysis, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2000, v.21, No. 3, p. 424

223.     Differentiation in Neoclassical Analysis, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2000, v.21, No. 3, p. 501

224.     A Historical Perspective in Teaching Science and Mathematics, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, v. 13, Fall 2000, pp. 1-11

225.     Theory of Fuzzy Limits,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2000, v. 115, No. 3, pp. 433-443

226.     Enhanced Banzhaf Power Index and its Mathematical Properties, Department of Economics and Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, Report W - 797,  2000, 33 p.            (in collaboration)

227.     Differential Intermediate Value Theorem, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2001, v.22, No. 1, p. 269

228.     Extrafunctions, Distributions, and Nonsmooth Analysis, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 01-02, 2001, 48 p.

229.     Fuzzy Differentiation of Real Function, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 01-03, 2001, 46 p.

230.     Linear Differential Equations and Extrafunctions, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 01-04, 2001, 35 p.                   (in collaboration)

231.    Theory of Real Hypernumbers: Properties and Axiomatization, Elsevier, Preprint 0107062, 2001, 42 p. (electronic edition:   http://www.mathpreprints.com/math/Preprint/      changed to http://www.sciencedirect.com/preprintarchive)      

232.    How we Count or is it Possible that Two Times Two is not Equal  to Four, Elsevier, Preprint 0108003, 2001; Science Direct Working Paper No S1574-0358(04)70635-8 (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3153531) 12 p. (electronic edition: http://www.mathpreprints.com/math/Preprint/ changed to       http://www.sciencedirect.com/preprintarchive)

233.     Classes of Extrafunctions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2001, v.22, No. 2, p. 432-433

234.     Optimization Principle for Coalition Formation in Political Games, in “12th International Conference on Game Theory”, Book of Abstracts, Stony Brook, 2001, p. 14     (in collaboration)

235.     Fuzzy Derivatives and Monotonous Functions, Elsevier, Preprint 0108017, 2001, 36 p.       (electronic edition:   http://www.mathpreprints.com/math/Preprint/         changed to http://www.sciencedirect.com/preprintarchive)  

236.     Continuity and Connectedness in Discontinuous Topology, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 01-06, 2001, 28 p.

237.     Diophantine and Non-Diophantine Aritmetics: Operations with Numbers in Science and Everyday Life, LANL, Preprint Mathematics GM/0108149, 2001, 27 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)

238.     Mathematics as a Natural Science, Fall Meeting of the Southern California Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Abstracts, Los Angeles, 2001, p. 6

239.     Fuzzy Sets of Strong, Weak, and Conditional Derivatives, Elsevier, Preprint 0110014, 2001, 41 p.       (electronic edition:   http://www.mathpreprints.com/math/Preprint/   changed to http://www.sciencedirect.com/preprintarchive)    

240.     Measure Dependable Extrafunctions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2001, v.22, No. 4, p. 571-572  (972nd AMS Meeting, University of California, Irvine, November 10-11, 2001, p. 21)

241.     Generalized Solutions for the Cauchy Problem for Partial Differential Equations, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2001, v.22, No. 4, p. 574  (972nd AMS Meeting, University of California, Irvine, November 10-11, 2001, p. 23)   (in collaboration)

242.     Uncertainty and Imprecision in Analytical Context: Fuzzy Limits and Fuzzy Derivatives, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, v. 9, No. 5, 2001, pp. 563-685

243.     Mistakes, Fallacies, and Misconceptions in the History of Mathematics, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2002, v.23, No. 1, p. 198   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, California, January 6-9, 2002)

244.     Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem for Extended Distributions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2002, v.23, No. 1, p. 97   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, California, January 6-9, 2002)          (in collaboration)

245.     Extended Distributions and Hyperfunctionals, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2002, v.23, No. 1, p. 126   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, California, January 6-9, 2002)

246.     Conditional Convergence and Nearness Based Limits, Abstracts of the 6th International Conference FSTA 2002 on Fuzzy Sets Theory and its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, 2002, pp. 41-42         (in collaboration)

247.     Theory of Hypernumbers and Extrafunctions: Functional Spaces and Differentiation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, v. 7, No. 3, 2002, pp. 201-212

248.     Conditional Fuzzy Convergence of Sequences and Numerical Computation, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2002, v.23, No. 4, p. 560       (in collaboration)

249.     Multiplication of Hypernumbers and Extrafunctions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2003, v.24, No. 3, p. 471  (987th AMS Meeting, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, May 3-4, 2003, p. 44) 

250.     Monotonicity, Fuzzy Extrema, and Fuzzy Conditional Derivatives of Real Functions, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 03-13, 2003, 73 p.

251.     Fixed Points in Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2004, v.25, No. 1, p. 97-98   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, January 7-10, 2004)          (in collaboration)

252.     Recurrent Points in Fuzzy Dynamical Systems of the First Type, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2004, v.25, No. 1, p. 106   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, January 7-10, 2004)

253.     Fuzzy Fixed Points in Banach Spaces, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2004, v.25, No. 1, p. 119   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, January 7-10, 2004)

254.     Named Set Theory Axiomatization: TNZ Theory, (February 2004). Mathematics Preprint Archive Vol. 2004, Issue 2, pp 333-344 (Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3177551)    [ Elsevier, Preprint 0402024, 2004 (electronic edition: http://www.mathpreprints.com/math/Preprint/ changed to Science Direct Working Paper No S1574-0358(04)70044-1  http://www.sciencedirect.com/preprintarchive)]

255.     Unified Foundations of Mathematics, Preprint in Mathematics LO/0403186, 2004, 39 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)

256.     The fundamental Theorem of Calculus for infinite intervals, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2004, v.25, No. 3, p.     (996th AMS Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, April 3-4, 2004, p. 29) 

257.     Topological Spaces of Extended Hypernumbers, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2004, v.25, No. 3, p.     (996th AMS Meeting, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, April 3-4, 2004, p. 49)

258.     Hyperfunctionals and Generalized Distributions, in “Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis” (Eds. Krinik, A.C. and Swift, R.J.; A Dekker Series of Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, v.238) 2004, pp. 81 – 119

259.     Fuzzy Optimization of Real Functions, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2004, v. 12, No. 4, pp. 471-497

260.     Compatibility in Logical Varieties, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 2004, v. 10, No. 2, p. 288  (Association for Symbolic Logic, 2003-2004 Winter Meeting in Phoenix)

261.     PDE and Extrafunctions, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2004, v. 34, No. 3, pp. 849-867     (in collaboration)

262.     Discontinuity Structures in Topological Spaces, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2004, v. 16, No. 4, pp. 485-513

263.     Fuzzy Conditional Convergence and Nearness Relations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2005, v. 149, No. 3, pp. 383-398             (in collaboration)

264.     Calculus versus topology: comprehension versus abstraction,  Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2005, v. 149, No. 3, pp. 413-414             (in collaboration)

265.     Nonlinear Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem in Extrafunctions, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 05-02, 2005, 40 p.

266.     Recurrent Points of Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, 2005, v. 3, No. 1, pp.1-14

267.     Topology in Nonlinear Extensions of Hypernumbers, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, v. 10, No. 2, 2005, pp. 145-170

268.     Series Summation in Hypernumbers, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 05-07, 2005, 27 p.

269.     Fuzzy Continuity in Scalable Topology, Preprint in Mathematics math. GN/0512627, 2005, 30 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)

270.     Hypermeasures in General Spaces, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2005, v. 24, No. 3, pp. 299-323

271.     Nonuniform Operations on Named Sets, 5th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2006 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2006, pp. 245-271

272.     Scalable Topological Spaces, 5th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2006 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2006, pp. 1865-1896

273.     Statistical Convergence and Convergence in Statistics, Preprint in Mathematics, math.GN/0612179, 2006, 27 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)             (in collaboration)

274.      Fuzzy Limits of Functions, Preprint in Mathematics, math. CA/0612676, 2006, 21 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)      

275.     Languages, Algorithms, Procedures, Calculi, and Metalogic, Preprint in Mathematics LO/0701121, 2007, 31 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)

276.     Elements of Non-Diophantine Arithmetics, 6th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2007 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2007, pp. 190-203

277.     Fuzzy Integration, 6th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2007 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2007, pp. 167-189

278.     Fuzzy Summation of Series, University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Report Series, MRS Report 07-01, 2007, 26 p.

279.     Problems of Scalable Topology, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2008, v.29, No. 1, pp. 152-153   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, January 6-9, 2008)

280.     From Classical Analysis to Neoclassical Analysis, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2008, v.29, No. 1, pp. 324-325   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, January 6-9, 2008)

281.     Neoclassical Analysis: Calculus closer to the Real World, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2008

282.     Fuzzy Statistical Limits, Preprint in Mathematics, math.CA/0803.4019, 2008, 17 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)             (in collaboration)

283.     Arithmetics where almost all numbers are even, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2008, v.29, No. 3, p. 538    (1039th AMS Meeting, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California, May 3-4, 2008, pp. 29-30) 

284.     Linear Operators in Hypernormed Spaces, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2008, v.29, No. 3, p. 556    (1039th AMS Meeting, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California, May 3-4, 2008, p. 47) 

285.     Inequalities in series and summation in hypernumbers, in Advances in Inequalities for Series (Dragomir, S. and Sofo, A., Eds), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2008, pp. 89-120

286.       Properties of Fuzzy Statistical Limits, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2008, v. 19, No. 6, pp. 385-392     (in collaboration)

287.       Statistical Fuzzy Convergence, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 2008, v. 16, No. 6, pp. 879-902      (in collaboration)

288.     Hyperintegration Approach to the Feynman Integral, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 1, No. 1, 2008/2009, pp. 59-104   (reprinted in: Advances in Analysis: Problems of Integration (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 2, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012, pp. 25-69)   

289.     Generalized Spaces of Random Variables, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2009, v.30, No. 1, p. 206-207     (Joint Mathematics Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 6-9, 2009)        (in collaboration)

290.     Radon-Nikodym Theorem for Hypermeasures, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2009, v.30, No. 1, p. 99     (Joint Mathematics Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 6-9, 2009)        (in collaboration)

291.     Probabilities and Hyperprobabilities, 8th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2009 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2009, pp. 351-367         (in collaboration)

292.     Structures in mathematics and beyond, 8th Annual International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, 2009 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii, January, 2009, pp. 449-469

293.     Hyperprobabilities, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2009, v.30, No. 4, p. (1039th AMS Meeting, Riverside, CA, November 7-8, 2009)                      (in collaboration)

294.     Extending the Radon-Nikodym Theorem to Hypermeasures, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2009, v.30, No. 4, p.     (1039th AMS Meeting, Riverside, CA, November 7-8, 2009)        (in collaboration)

295.     Extended Probabilities: Mathematical Foundations, Preprint in Physics, math-ph/0912.4767, 2009, 18 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)

296.     Fuzzy approximate continuity, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2009, v. 20, No. 6, pp. 225-233            (in collaboration)

297.     Continuity in Discrete Sets, Preprint in Mathematics, math.CA/1002.0036, 2010, 21 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)            

298.     Interpretations of Negative Probabilities, Preprint in Quantum Physics, quant-ph/1008.1287, 2010, 17 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)

299.     Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Extrafunctions, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp. 17-50

300.     Mathematical Theory of Negative Probability and Models of Financial Processes, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2010, v.31, No. 4, p. 740 (1063rd AMS Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, October 9-10, 2010, Abstracts, p. 73-74)                      (in collaboration)

301.     Conditional Hyperprobability, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2010, v.31, No. 4, p. 740 (1063rd AMS Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, October 9-10, 2010, Abstracts, p. 74)                      (in collaboration)

302.     Introduction to Projective Arithmetics, Preprint in Mathematics, math.GM/1010.3287, 2010, 21 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)            

303.     Structure Integration, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 2, No. 2, 2010, pp. 167-212

304.     Introduction to Conditional Hyperprobabilities, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 2, No. 3, 2010/2011, pp. 285 - 304      (in collaboration)

305.     Negative Probabilities in Modeling Random Financial Processes, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 2, No. 3, 2010/2011, pp. 305 - 322   (in collaboration)

306.     Probability and other Integral Characteristics of Random Phenomena, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 2, No. 3, 2010/2011, pp. v-viii     (in collaboration)

307.     Integration in Bundles with a Hyperspace Base: Indefinite Integration, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 2, No. 4, 2010/2011, pp. 395-435 (reprinted in Topics in Integration Research (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 5, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, pp. 99-138)

308.     Approximations by Linear Operators in Spaces of Fuzzy Continuous Functions, Positivity, v. 15, No. 1, 2011, pp. 57-72     (in collaboration)

309.     Birth-Death Markov Chains Having Hyper-Probability Transitions, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2011, v.32, No. 1, p. 234      (Joint Mathematics Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 4-9, 2011)        (in collaboration)

310.     Negative Probabilities in Financial Modeling, Social Science Research Network, Economic Network (FEN), Social Science Electronic Publishing, Preprint in Social Science, 2011  (electronic edition:   http://papers.ssrn.com/)         also in: DefaultRisk.com, 2009 (electronic edition:   http:// www.defaultrisk.com/pp_quant_06.htm)        (in collaboration)

311.     Theory of Named Sets, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011

312.     Approximate Fuzzy Continuity of Functions, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA),  v. 1, No. 4, 2011, pp. 37-46    (in collaboration)

313.     Differentiation in Bundles with a Hyperspace Base, Preprint in Mathematics, math.CA/1112.3421, 2011, 27 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)            

314.     The Gambler’s Run Problem for a Class of Non-stationary Markov Chains, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2012, v.33, No. 1, p.       (Joint Mathematics Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, January 4-7, 2012)        (in collaboration)

315.     Fuzzy Continuous Functions in Discrete Spaces, The Annals of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Systems, v. 1, No. 4, 2012, pp. 231 - 252

316.     Advances in Analysis: Problems of Integration, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012 (Editor)

317.     Negative Probabilities in Financial Modeling, Wilmott Magazine, March 2012, pp. 60 - 65   (in collaboration)

318.     Integration in Bundles with a Hyperspace Base: Definite Integration, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 1, 2012, pp. 1-54

319.     Larger than One Probabilities in Mathematical and Practical Finance, Review of Economics & Finance, v. 2, No 4, 2012, pp. 1-13    (in collaboration)

320.     Hypernumbers and Extrafunctions: Extending the Classical Calculus, Springer, New York, 2012

321.     Integrating random properties and the concept of probability, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 2, 2012, pp. 137 - 181

322.     Hyperintegration Approach to the Feynman Integral, Advances in Analysis: Problems of Integration (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 2, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2012, pp. 25-69    (an updated version of Integration, v. 1, No. 1, 2008/2009)

323.     Hyperexpectations and random variables without expectations, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 3, 2012, pp. 245-267       (in collaboration)

324.     Functional integrals, path integrals and the theory of hyperintegration, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 3, 2012, pp. 269-304

325.     Lithium Battery Temperature Prediction, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 4, 2012, pp. 319 – 331  (in collaboration)

326.     Inequalities for functional integrals in the context of hyperintegration, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 4, 2012, pp. 347 - 364

327.     Definite Integral: Basic Approaches, Integration: Mathematical Theory and Applications, v. 3, No. 4, 2012, pp. 383 - 396

328.     Feynman integral in the context of hyperintegration, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2013, v. 34, No. 1, pp. 197   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, January 9-12, 2013)

329.     Mathematical tools for modeling negative interest rates, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2013, v. 34, No. 1, pp. 243   (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, January 9-12, 2013)          (in collaboration)

330.     What to do with random variables that don’t have expectations, Abstracts of papers presented to the American Mathematical Society, 2013, v. 34, No. 1, pp. 244  (Joint Mathematics Meeting, San Diego, January 9-12, 2013)          (in collaboration)

331.     Neoclassical Analysis as a Tool for Optimization, in Recent Advances in Mathematics, Proceedings of the 19th WSEAS American Conference on Applied Mathematics (AMERICAN-MATH’13), Cambridge, MA, USA, January-February, 2013, pp. 16 - 17, 46 – 51

332.     Fuzzy Optimization with Constraints, in Recent Advances in Mathematics, Proceedings of the 19th WSEAS American Conference on Applied Mathematics (AMERICAN-MATH’13), Cambridge, MA, USA, January-February, 2013, pp. 52 – 57

333.     Convergence without Limits, in Recent Advances in Mathematics, Proceedings of the 19th WSEAS American Conference on Applied Mathematics (AMERICAN-MATH’13), Cambridge, MA, USA, January-February, 2013, pp. 58 - 62

334.     Fuzzy Continuity of Almost Linear Operators, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA), v. 3, No. 1, 2013, pp. 140-150   

335.     Semitopological Vector Spaces and Hyperseminorms, Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Computer Science, v. 3, No. 2, 2013, pp. 1 - 35

336.     Negative probability in the framework of combined probability, Preprint in Probability (math.PR), 1306.1166, 2013, 28 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)            

337.     Named Sets and Integration of Structures, in Topics in Integration Research (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 4, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, pp. 55-98

338.     Nonlinear Cauchy-Kowalewski Theorem in Extrafunctions, in Topics in Integration Research (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 9, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, pp. 167-202

339.     Properties of Conditional Hyperprobabilities, in Topics in Integration Research (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 15, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, pp. 265-288   (in collaboration)

340.    Mathematical Models in Finance and Negative Probability, in Topics in Integration Research (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 16, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, pp. 289-312         (in collaboration)

341.    Topics in Integration Research, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2013, 480 p.    (Editor)

342.    Operations with Extrafunctions and Integration in Bundles with a Hyperspace Base, in Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 1, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 3 - 76

343.    Hyperintegration in Functional Spaces, Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 3, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 89 - 126

344.    Directions and Methods in Integration, in Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 4, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 127 - 146

345.    Hyperintegral Inequalities, in Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 7, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 173 - 198

346.    Hyperexpectation in Axiomatic and Constructive Settings, in Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 12, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 259 - 288          (in collaboration)

347.    Picturesque Diversity of Probability, in Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 14, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 301 - 354

348.    Real-Time Inverse Modeling of Control Systems Using Hypernumbers, in Functional Analysis and Probability (M. Burgin, Ed), Chapter 17, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, pp. 439 - 456    (in collaboration)

349.    Functional Analysis and Probability, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2015, 476 p.    (Editor)

350.    Extended correlations in finance, J. of Math. Finance, v. 6, 2016, pp. 178-188         (in collaboration)

351.    Axiomatizing negative probability, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, v. 1, No 1, 2016, pp. 1 – 17

352.    Probability Theory in Relational Structures, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, v. 1, No 3&4, 2016, pp. 19 – 29

353.    An Introduction to Symmetric Inflated Probabilities, in Quantum Interaction (de Barros, J. A., Coecke, B. and Pothos, E., Eds.),Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues, v. 10106, Springer, 2017, pp. 206-223

354.    1 + 1 = 3: Synergy Arithmetic in Economics, Applied Mathematics, v.8, No.2, 2017, pp. 133 – 144   (in collaboration)

355.    Scaling qualitative probability, Preprint in Probability (math.PR), 1702.08504, 2017, 21 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)            

356.    Semitopological Vector Spaces: Hypernorms, Hyperseminorms and Operators, Apple Academic Press, Toronto, Canada, 2017, 476 p.

357.    Mathematical Knowledge and the Role of an Observer: Ontological and epistemological aspects, Preprint in Mathematics History and Overview (math.HO), 1709.06884, 2017, 15 p.     (electronic edition:   http://arXiv.org)            

358.    Why so negative on negative volatilities? International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, v. 2, No. 5, Part B, 2017, pp. 116-124    (in collaboration)

359.    Functional Algebra and Hypercalculus in Infinite Dimensions: Hyperintegrals, Hyperfunctionals and Hyperderivatives, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2017, 471 p.

360.    Metalogic in the context of logical varieties, International Journal of Pure Mathematics, v. 4, 2017, pp. 64 - 78

361.    Mathematics as an Interconnected Whole, Preprint in General Mathematics 1801.0135, 2018, 15 p. (electronic edition:   http://viXra.org/postprints/)     

362.    Symmetric Hyperprobabilities, UPI Journal of Mathematics and Biostatistics (UPI-JMB), v. 1, No. 2, 2018, 15 p.

363.     Mathematical Analysis of the Concept Equality, Research and Reports on Mathematics, v. 2, No. 2, 2018, 10.4172/RRM.1000e102



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