Organizer: Luminita Vese
2001-2002 location and schedule: Friday, 4.00-5.00PM, MS 6229
Friday May 31st, 2002,
MS 6229
Ivo D. Dinov,
Department of Statistics and
Laboratory of Neuro Imaging,
UCLA School of Medicine
Image Processing of 3D Brain Data
Friday May 24, 2002,
MS 6229
Sung Ha KANG,
Dept. of Mathematics, UCLA
Elastica Inpainting, Landmark based
Inpainting from Multiple View and Error Analysis
Friday May 10, 2002, 4-5PM
MS 6229 |
Hailin Jin,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Washington University
"Stereoscopic Segmentation"
Friday May 3, 2002, 4-5PM
MS 6229 |
Petros Faloutsos,
Computer Science Department, UCLA
"Physics-based Character Animation"
Friday April 1st, 2002, 4-5PM
MS 6229 |
Anthony Yezzi,
Georgia Institute of Technology
"A Variational Framework for Simultaneous Segmentation and Registration,
Shape Averaging, and Tracking of Deforming Objects"
Friday March 22, 2002, 4-5PM
MS 6229 |
Alessandro Duci,
Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
"Region Matching with Missing Part"
Friday March 8, 2002, 2-3PM, Room IPAM 1200 |
Jan Modersitzki,
Institute of Mathematics, Medical University of Lubeck,
"Fast Algorithms for Image Registration"
Friday March 1st, 2002, 4-5PM, Room MS 6229 |
Stefano Soatto,
"DEFORMOTION: Deforming motions, shape averages, and the
joint segmentation and registration of images"
Tuesday December 4, 2001, 2-3PM, Room MS 6627 |
Emmanuel Candes, ACM, Caltech
"Digital Curvelet Transform: Implementations and Experiments"
Thursday November 29, 2001, 3-4PM, MS 6627 |
C.-C. Jay Kuo, EE-Systems Dept. and Signal and Image Processing Institute, USC
"Automatic Simplification, Compression and Refinement of 3D Graphic Models"
Monday November 5, 2001, 3-4PM, MS 6627 |
Jared Tanner, UCLA
"Adaptive Mollifiers: High Resolution Recovery of Piecewise Smooth Data from
its Spectral Information"
Tuesday Aug 7, 2001 |
Francois Malgouyres, UCLA
"A noise selection approach of image restoration"
Speaker: Laurent Demanet
Theoretical Physics Institute, University of
Louvain, Belgium.
"Wedding Continuous Wavelets and PDE's ?"
Thursday Aug 2, 2001 |
Speaker: Ron Kimmel
CS Dept. Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel
"Marching on Triangulated Domains"
Monday July 16, 2001 |
Speaker: Daniel Freedman,
Assistant Professor of Computer Science,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Geometric Active Contours for Tracking Distributions"