Fall 2007 - Math 290J/3: current literature in applied mathematics
Topics: variational models, partial differential equations, image analysis, medical imaging, shape analysis
This is organized in conjunction with IPAM and CCB (Center for Computational Biology, LONI, SIG-PDE).
Organizer: Luminita Vese. E-mail: lvese@math.ucla.edu
Schedule and Location: Fridays, time 4-5.30pm, Room MS 5225 (subject to change; each meeting is also announced by e-mail sent by Vese).
Format: Graduate students read and present research papers from current literature on the topics of the seminar.
The first two talks are given by Yunho Kim on image decomposition models and functional spaces. He will present the manuscript by John B. Garnett, Peter W. Jones, Triet M. Le and Luminita A. Vese, titled
Modeling Oscillatory Components with the Homogeneous Spaces $BMO^{-\alpha$
and $W^{-\alpha,p}$
The next series of talks will be given by graduate students Igor Yanovsky and Siwei Zhu, jointly with Alex Leow (supervisor, MD, PhD). Topics: In this seminar series, we will cover topics including rigid and
nonrigid medical imaging registration, as well as selected topics from
Diffusion tensor computing.
In image registration, we will discuss different registration cost
functionals (sum of squared differences and (normalized) mutual
information), and different regularizing techniques including
small-deformation (elastic and thin-plate spline) versus
large-deformation (fluid registration, LDDMM,
and Unbiased registration).
In tensor computing, we will review current literature in multi-tensor
computing (deconvolution methods) and other model-free reconstruction
methods such as the persistant angular structure method (D.
Alexander), and Q-ball/orientation distribution function(Tuch).
We will follow with a talk by Aykut Erdem, visiting student from Turkey (November 16).
We will follow with a talk by Erkut Erdem, visiting student from Turkey (November 30).
Talk by Vincent Duval (visiting student from France), TBA
Talk by Earnie Esser (TBA)
Talk by Tungyou Lin (TBA)
Speakers and participants: Siwei Zhu, Igor Yanovsky, Alex Leow, Tungyou Lin, Vincent Duval, Aykut Erdem, Erkut Erdem, Earnie Esser, Nancy Rodriguez, Liu Wangyi (Bobby), Mi Youn Jung.