Math 269B, Lecture 1, Winter 2005
Advanced Numerical Analysis
Lecture Meeting Time: MWF 2.00PM - 2:50PM.
Lecture Location: MS 5138
Instructor: Luminita A. Vese
Office: MS 7620D
Office hours: M 3-4pm, W 3-4, F 4-5pm.
Discussion Section: Thursday, 3.00PM - 3.50PM, MS 5138
Teaching Assistant: Jason Chung.
Office: IPAM Building.
Office hours: TBA.
Required Textbook:
(placed on reserve for 2 hours/overnight at SEL Library).
K.W. Morton and D.F. Mayers, "Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations", Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Recommended Textbooks:
Strikwerda, John C., "Finite difference schemes and partial differential
equations", Pacific Grove, Calif. : Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced
Books & Software, c1989, Series: The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole mathematics series.
H.-O. Kreiss, and J. Oliger, 1973: Methods for the approximate solution of time dependent problems, WMO/ICSU Joint Organising Committee, GARP Publications Series No. 10, 107 pp.
R.D. Richtmyer and K.W. Morton (1967),
Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems, New York : Interscience Publishers.
B. Gustafsson, H.-O. Kreiss and J. Oliger, Time dependent problems and difference methods, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1995.
H.-O. Kreiss, H.U. Busenhart, Time-dependent Partial Differential equations and Their Numerical Solution, Birkhauser, Lectures in Mathematics, ETH Zurich, 2001.
- Numerical solutions for initial and boundary value problems
(time-dependent partial differential equations).
- Numerical solution for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic partial
differential equations: stability, consistency,
convergence, nonlinear problems.
- Linear algebra considerations.
Requisites: courses 115A, 135A, 151A, 151B.
Useful Links:
Virtual Office Hours
PIC Lab: Boelter Hall 2817 and
Mathematical Sciences 3970
MATLAB Documentation (thanks to Prof. C. Anderson, UCLA)
Class Web Page:
Numerical Analysis Qualifying Exam
Numerical Recipes
Getting started with MATLAB
Homework Policy:
Homework assignments involving both theoretical and computational exercises
will be collected every Friday (in lecture).
Examinations: One midterm exam and one final exam.
Midterm Exam: Thursday, February 17 (in discussion section).
Final Exam: Wednesday, March 16, 2-5pm, MS 5138.
The examinations are closed-book and closed-note.
No exams at a time other than the designated ones will be allowed
(exceptions for illness with document proof, or emergency).
Grading Policy: HW 40%, Midterm 20%, Final 40%
Weekly Homework Assignments:
HW #1 (due Friday, January 14)
HW #2 (due Friday, January 21)
HW #3 (due Friday, January 28)
HW #4 (due Monday, February 7)
HW #5 (due Monday, February 14)
REMINDER: MIDTERM EXAM on Thursday February 17, 3-4pm.
Practice problems for the midterm
HW #6 (due on: Friday, February 25)
HW #7 (due on: Friday, March 4)
HW #8 (due on: Monday, March 14 or Wednesday, March 16)
(no late homework accepted)
Practice problems for the final