Office: MS 3921 (take the west elevator, ie not the one by the breezeway, to the third floor and hang a right)
Prefered Pronouns: he/him/his
The student math center (SMC)
For those of you who don't know, ucla has TAs on call to answer math questions Monday-Thursday 9am-3pm on the third floor of the math building (MS 3974). If you are looking for help with lower division courses you should come and check it out. I will be there Thursdays 1-2 pm for the Fall quarter (2024).
Past Teaching
Fall 2022: Math 33B (Differntial Equations) - Dis 2C and Dis 2D
Office Hours: Fridays 4pm-5pm in my office (MS 3921).
Discussion notes, I wrote some notes for my students last spring when they took this class I will try to expand them this quarter. Note that you can click on the titles in the table of contents and they hyperlink to that part of the pdf. Discussion notes 32A
Broad Mathematical Interests:
Broadly I am interested in analysis and how it interacts with the fields of geometry, topology, and probability. I am currently reading about Free Proability and Noncommutative Optimal Transport. More specificly I am interested in:
Optimal transport
Sliced Wasserstein metircs - particularly intersic and extrinsic geodesics in these spaces since I discovered some of them
Non-commutative optimal transport and other generalizations of calculus of variations to operator algebras
I hope as a student you are aware of the CAE office which can help with various accessibility issues inlcuding temporary issues (like surguries and broken bones).
TAs and most professors are manditory reporters, we are here to support you but also understand that sometimes confidental reasources are perfered.
If food, finances, housing, mental health, or basic needs are being impacted there are various services on or near campus that can help, I would ike to highlight 580 cafe which has reasources and connections that can help with a variety of issues,
I said it earlier and I will say it again, the SMC is a great resource if, for any reason, you need help with a math class.
I recently learned about dyslexic freindly fonts - like the one used here called Lexend - if there is any way I can make this page or my teaching more accessible please let me know.
Office hours by appointment are always an option, please feel free to reach out as needed.