Large Cardinals and the Continuum
Special session of the AMS Western Sectional Meeting
UCLA, October 9-10, 2010
Matthew Foreman, University of California Irvine
Alexander Kechris, California Institute for Technology
Itay Neeman, University of California Los Angeles
Martin Zeman, University of California Irvine
Talks, with links to slides or notes when available:
Natural ideals under PFA
Sean D. Cox, Intitut für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, Universität Münster
The tree property
James Cummings, Carnegie Mellon University
Structure theorems for Tukey types of ultrafilters
Natasha Dobrinen, University of Denver
Descriptive set theory and unitary group representations
Greg Hjorth, Universtiy of Melbourne, UCLA
Cardinal invariants of monotone and porous sets
Michael Hrusak, Instituto de matematicas, UNAM, Mexico
Fragments of Martin's Maximum in the $\mathbb{P}_{\rm{max}}$ extension
Paul B Larson, Miami University
Polish groups acting on trees
Christian Rosendal, University of Illinois at Chicago
On the strength of the negation of square
Grigor Sargsyan, University of California Los Angeles
Scales, the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis, and the tree property
Dima Sinapova, University of California Irvine
Groups generated by generic measure preserving transformations
Slawomir Solecki, University of Illinois
Ramsey Cardinals and the $HNN$ Embedding Theorem
Simon Thomas, Rutgers University