I'm honored to be supported by UCLA's NSF MENTOR Fellowship
for the 2021-2022 academic year.
2021-2022: On fellowship - none this year
Research Interests
As a first year PhD student, I am still exploring my interests
within (applied) mathematics. That said, areas that interest me are
machine learning, dimensionality reduction, and numerical linear
algebra. I have also done research in anomaly detection and time-series
drift detection.
Recent Papers
J.M. Murphy, H. Hardiman-Mostow, O. Esan, and M. Mueller,
"Signal Reconstruction and Anomaly Detection with Mean-Flow
Interpolation of Temporally Sparse Data," submitted to IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal
I was born in Portland, OR and raised mostly in Seattle. Yes,
it does rain a lot there, but not as much as you probably think.
In undergrad, I was a varsity rower. Now, I spend a lot of my
free time running and riding my bike. I'm hoping to do a marathon in the
near future and an Ironman in the distant future. In general, I love
endurance sports!
I'm a big fan of the NBA - go Blazers! I also follow European
football/soccer and the NFL, though not as closely.
I love lists and ranking things. It'd be a shame to make a webpage without including at least one. So, here are my 11 (not 10) favorite movies of all time: Good Will
Basterds, The Social Network, Get Out, The Big Short, Arrival, Spotlight, The Wolf of Wall Street, Whiplash, Memento, and Goodfellas.