Email: ericykim [at] math [dot] ucla [dot] edu
Office: MS 3973
Eric Kim
I am a fourth year PhD student at UCLA advised by Inwon Kim. I am currently interested in PDE,
geometric measure theory, and the calculus of variations. Recently, I've been thinking about the
asymptotics of curvature-driven flows and quantitative stability in isoperimetric problems.
I previously completed my undergraduate degree at Stanford.
Preprints and Publications
In Spring 2025, I am a teaching assistant for Math 135 (Ordinary Differential Equations). In the past, I have served as a teaching assistant for the following courses:
- Math 31B: Single Variable Calculus II (Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Spring 2023)
- Math 32A: Multivariable Calculus I (Winter 2023, Winter 2024)
- Math 33B: Differential Equations (Winter 2023, Winter 2024)
- Math 131A: Real Analysis I (Fall 2023)
- Math 131B: Real Analysis II (Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
- Math 134: ODEs and Dynamical Systems (Spring 2024, Winter 2025)
- Math 115AH: Honors Linear Algebra (Fall 2022)
Here are some samples of my teaching evaluations:
In my free time, I enjoy rock climbing, singing, solving puzzles, and going to the beach.