Invited talks 2006
Invited talk, Wednesday January 4, 2006, Dynamics Days, Bethesda, MD
Invited talk, February 27, 2006, IPAM workshop ``Swarming by Nature and by Design''
UCSD Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Fluid Dynamics Seminar, March 17, 2006
UCLA Science Faculty Research Colloquium, March 23, 2006
UCLA Thermofluids Research Seminar, April 14, 2006
May 18, 2006, Invited talk, MSRI workshop on ``Women in Mathematics: The Legacy of Ladyzhenskaya and Oleinik''
Plenary talk, SIAM Annual Meeting (Joint with APDE), July 10, 2006, Boston, MA
Invited talk, July 11, 2006, Minisymposium on Analysis of Front Propagation and Its Applications, Aaron Yip, Arshak Petrosyan, and Monica Torres organizers, SIAM Conference of Analysis of PDE, Boston MA
Invited talk, July 18, 2006 Minisymposium on Computational Advances
in Evolving Curves and Surfaces, K. Mikula and P. Frolkovic organizers,
7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, CA
Mathematics Colloquium, Brown University, September 22,
Applied Mathematics Colloquium, MIT, September 25, 2006
Mathematics Colloquium, Univ. of Michigan, Sept 26, 2006
Mathematics Colloquium, Univ. of California Santa Barbara, Oct. 13, 2006
Joint Analysis/Applied Mathematics Colloquium, UCLA, Oct. 19, 2006
Invited talk, Third Symposium on ``Frontiers of Statistical, Mathematical
and Computational Sciences (SMCS)'', George Washington University,
Jagdish Chandra, organizer. Supported by the Army Research Office.
Friday Oct. 27, 2006.
Applied Mathematics Colloquium, University of Washington,
November 21, 2006
Curriculum Vitae, Andrea Bertozzi