Kleinman Prize
In July 2019 I was awarded SIAM's Kleinman Prize.
Here is a link to an online article about it.
Machine Learning
Short article in Forbes - featuring Don Vaughn - first author on our paper about
predicting hospitalizations from patient insurance claims:
Predicting Hospitalization: Machine Learning Models On The Rise Jayshree Pandya, Forbes, May 19, 2019
Princeton Alumni Weekly Tiger of the Week
In August 2018 I was featured in Princeton Alumni Weekly (PAW) as their 'Tiger of the Week'
National Academy of Sciences
In May 2018 I was elected to the US National Academy of Sciences. Here is the UCLA press release.
Here is an article in SIAM News about it.
Simons Math + X Investigator Award - with California NanoSystems Institute
In June 2017 I was awarded a Math + X Investigator Award from the Simons Foundation. This will start a new Mathematical NanoSystems Initiative at UCLA.
press release
News articles about this research: