UCLA Topology Seminar
Please contact Mike
Hill, Ko Honda or Ciprian Manolescu for more information.
Past seminars: 2014/15.
Fall 2016
Click on titles for abstracts.
Fridays, 3-3:50PM in MS 6201
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 13 | Iskhu Neithalath (UCLA) | Introduction to $A_\infty$ algebras and modules |
January 20 | Haofei Fan (UCLA) | Introduction to Fukaya categories |
January 27 | Bahar Acu (USC) | Quivers, Floer cohomology, and braid group actions (Khovanov-Seidel paper) |
February 3 | David Boozer (UCLA) | Functor-valued invariant of tangles (Khovanov paper) |
February 10 | Michael Menke (UCLA) | Formality and Hochschild homology |
February 15 | John Morgan (Simons Center) | Spin manifolds of low dimension |
February 17 | Sangjin Lee (UCLA) | Symplectic Khovanov homology and the symplectic arc algebra |
February 24 | Jacob Rooney (UCLA) | Equivalence of Khovanov homology and symplectic Khovanov homology |
March 1 | John Morgan (Simons Center) | Perverse sheaves and duality bordism (Note 2-hour talk) |
March 3 | Bob Edwards (UCLA) | Embeddings of the 2-sphere in S^2 times S^2 |
Wednesdays, 3-3:50PM, MS 6201
Date | Speaker | Title |
January 11 | Eric Peterson (Harvard) | Determinantal K-theory and a few applications |
January 18 | Anna Marie Bohmann (Vanderbilt) | Computational Tools for Topological coHochschild Homology |
January 25 | Dylan Wilson (Northwestern) | Kervaire invariants, even spaces, and equivariant operations |
February 1 | Angelica Osorno (Reed) | On equivariant infinite loop space machines |
March 15 | Zhouli Xu (UChicago) | Computing stable homotopy groups of spheres: two methods |
Date | Speaker | Title |
March 13 MS 6627 |
Mark Hughes (Brigham Young University) | |
March 13 MS 6627 |
John Etnyre (Georgia Tech) |