First Test

Mathematics 3A, Section 1

Our first midterm will be on Friday, October 20, 8-8:50 in our usual class room CSYoung 24.


It will cover everything we do up to that time: in class, in the homework, and in the book. 

For the homework, it means all  problems assigned up to (and including) Wednesday October 18.
From the book, this means  Sections 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,  4.1.

The midterm will consist of 4 problems, each one with parts (a), (b), (c). Each problem is worth 25 points

(for a total number of 100 points).


Ground rules: Paper will be provided. Bring pencil and eraser. 
No books, no note cards, no calculators.

Please bring your photo ID to the test. 


The test problems will be mostly like the homework. ("Mostly" means mostly,

and "like" means that I think similar methods are used.) Answers should be supported by the work shown.