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Department of Mathematics University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555
Office: Math Sciences 6334 Phone: (310) 794 5317 Fax: (310) 206 6673 Email: |
There will be a Very Informal Gathering of Logicians at UCLA, From Friday February 7 to Sunday February 9, 2025. This event will honor Alekos Kechris on the occasion of his formal retirement from Caltech. The conference website is here.
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On higher analogues of the proper forcing axiom: Rutgers MAMLS and Banff (2013), Fields Institute (2012), Oberwolfach (2011).
Forcing with ultrafilters. Logic Colloquium 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria, plenary talk.
Steel forcing in reverse mathematics. CIRM workshop on Set Theory, Luminy, France, 2008, and Steel VIG, UCLA, 2009.
Determinacy and large cardinals. International Congress of Mathematicians, Logic and Foundations of Mathematics section, Madrid, Spain, 2006.
Set theory, infinite games, and strong axioms. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Germany, 2005, general audience talk.
Inner models and ultrafilters in L(R). Talk 1; Talk 2; Talk 3. CIRM workshop on Set Theory, Luminy, France, 2004, tutorial.
Determinacy proofs for long games. Talk 1; Talk 2; Talk 3. Logic Colloquium 2001, Vienna, Austria, tutorial.
The determinacy of long games. De Gruyter Series in Logic and its Applications, Volume 7, Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin, November 2004.
Itay Neeman and Zach Norwood, Coding along trees and generic absoluteness.
Thomas Gilton and Itay Neeman, Side conditions and iteration theorems.
Thomas Gilton and Itay Neeman, Abraham-Rubin-Shelah open colorings and a large continuum, J. Math. Logic, vol. 22 (2022), article number 2150027, 55 pages.
James Cummings, Yair Hayut, Menachem Magidor, Itay Neeman, Dima Sinapova, and Spencer Unger, The tree property at the two immediate successors of a singular cardinal, J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 86(2021), pp. 600–608.
William Chen-Mertens and Itay Neeman, On the relationship between mutual and tight stationarity, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 172(2021), article number 102963, 24 pages.
James Cummings, Yair Hayut, Menachem Magidor, Itay Neeman, Dima Sinapova, and Spencer Unger, The ineffable tree property and failure of the singular cardinals hypothesis, Trans. AMS, vol. 373(2020), pp. 5937–5955.
Itay Neeman and John Susice, Chang's Conjecture with \(\Box_{\omega_1,2}\) from an \(\omega_1\)-Erdos Cardinal, Archive for Math. Logic, vol. 59(2020), pp. 893–904.
Omer Ben-Neria, Moti Gitik, Itay Neeman, and Spencer Unger, On the powerset of singular cardinals in HOD, Proc. AMS, vol. 148(2020), pp. 1777–1789.
Itay Neeman and Zach Norwood, Happy and MAD families in \(L({\mathbb R})\), J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 83 (2018), pp.572–597.
Itay Neeman, Two applications of finite side conditions at \(\omega_2\), Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 56 (2017), special issue dedicated to the memory of James Baumgartner, pp. 983–1036.
Itay Neeman and John Steel, Equiconsistencies at subcompact cardinals, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 55 (2016), special issue dedicated to the memory of Richard Laver, pp. 207–238.
Itay Neeman, An inner models proof of the Kechris–Martin Theorem, in Ordinal definability and recursion theory, the Cabal Seminar Vol. III, Kechris, Loewe, Steel editors, pp. 220–242, Cambridge University Press, 2016.
William Chen and Itay Neeman, Square principles with tail-end agreement, Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 54 (2015), pp. 439–452.
Itay Neeman, The tree property up to \(\aleph_{\omega+1}\), J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 79 (2014), pp. 429–459.
Itay Neeman, Forcing with sequences of models of two types, Notre Dame J. Formal Logic, vol. 55 (2014), pp. 265–298.
Itay Neeman and Spencer Unger, Aronszajn trees and the SCH. In Appalachian Set Theory 2006–2012 (Cummings, Schimmerling, eds.), pp. 187–206, LMS Lecture Notes Series 406, 2013.
Itay Neeman, Necessary use of \(\Sigma^1_1\) induction in a reversal. J. Symbolic Logic, vol. 76 (2011), pp. 561–574.
Andreas Blass, Yuri Gurevich, Michal Moskal, and Itay Neeman, Evidential Authorization. In The future of software engineering (Nanz, ed.), pp. 73–99, Springer, 2011.
Itay Neeman, Ultrafilters and large cardinals. In Ultrafilters across Mathematics (Bergelson, Blass, Di Nasso, Jin, eds.), Contemporary Mathematics Vol. 530, pp. 181–200, AMS, 2010.
Paul Larson, Itay Neeman, and Saharon Shelah, Universally measurable sets in generic extensions. Fund. Math., vol. 208 (2010), pp. 173–192.
Itay Neeman, Aronszajn trees and failure of the singular cardinal hypothesis. J. of Mathematical Logic, vol. 9 (2009, published 2010) 139–157.
Gunter Fuchs, Itay Neeman, and Ralf Schindler, A criterion for coarse iterability. Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 49 (2010), pp. 447–467.
Itay Neeman, Determinacy in \(L({\mathbb R})\). In Handbook of Set Theory (Foreman, Kanamori, eds.), pp. 1887–1950, Springer, 2010.
Yuri Gurevich and Itay Neeman, The logic of infons. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Theor. Comput. Sci. EATCS, No. 98 (2009), pp. 150–178, and ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 12 (2011) no. 2, Art. 9. See also technical report MSR-TR-2011-90.
Itay Neeman, Monadic theories of wellorders. In Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress (Glymour, Wei, Westerstahl, eds.), pp. 108–121, College Publications, 2009.
Itay Neeman, The strength of Jullien's indecomposability theorem. J. of Mathematical Logic, vol. 8 (2008, published June 2009), pp. 93–119.
Yuri Gurevich and Itay Neeman, DKAL: Distributed Knowledge Authorization Language. Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, pp. 149–162, IEEE Computer Society, 2008. See also technical report MSR-TR-2008-09.
Itay Neeman, Propagation of the scale property using games. In Games, scales, and Suslin cardinals, the Cabal seminar vol. I (Kechris, Loewe, Steel, eds.), pp. 75–89, Lecture Notes in Logic 31, 2008.
Itay Neeman, Monadic definability of ordinals. In Computational Prospects of Infinity, Part II, Presented Talks, pp. 193–205, Lect. Notes Ser. Inst. Math. Sci. Natl. Univ. Singap. 15, World Scientific Publishing, 2008.
Itay Neeman, Hierarchies of forcing axioms II. J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 73 (2008), pp. 522–542.
Itay Neeman, Finite state automata and monadic definability of singular cardinals. J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 73 (2008), pp. 412–438.
Itay Neeman and Ernest Schimmerling, Hierarchies of forcing axioms I. J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 73 (2008), pp. 343–362.
Itay Neeman, Games of length \(\omega_1\). J. of Mathematical Logic, vol. 7 (2007), pp. 83–124.
Alex Andretta, Greg Hjorth, and Itay Neeman, Effective cardinals of boldface pointclasses. J. of Mathematical Logic, vol. 7 (2007), pp. 35–82.
Moti Gitik, Itay Neeman, and Dima Sinapova, A cardinal preserving extension making the set of points of countable \(V\) cofinality nonstationary. Archive for Mathematical Logic, vol. 46 (2007), pp. 451–456.
Itay Neeman, Inner models and ultrafilters in \(L({\mathbb R})\). Bull. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 13 (2007), pp. 31–53.
Itay Neeman, Determinacy and Large Cardinals. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, vol. II, Madrid 2006, pp. 27–43, European Math. Society Publishing House, 2007.
Itay Neeman and John Steel, Counterexamples to the unique and cofinal branches hypotheses. J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 71 (2006) pp. 977–988.
Itay Neeman, Determinacy for games ending at the first admissible relative to the play. J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 71 (2006), pp. 425–459.
Itay Neeman, Unraveling \(\Pi^1_1\) sets, revisited. Israel J. of Math., vol. 152 (2006), pp. 181–203.
Itay Neeman, An introduction to proofs of determinacy of long games. Logic Colloquium ’01, pp. 43–86, Lecture Notes in Logic No. 20, Association for Symbolic Logic, Urbana, IL, 2005.
Itay Neeman, The Mitchell order below rank-to-rank. J. of Symbolic Logic, vol. 69 (2004), pp. 1143–1162.
Donald A. Martin, Itay Neeman, and Marco Vervoort, The strength of Blackwell determinacy. J. of Symb. Logic, vol. 68 (2003), pp. 615–636.
Itay Neeman, Optimal proofs of determinacy II. J. of Math. Logic, vol. 2 (2002), pp. 227–258.
Itay Neeman, Inner models in the region of a Woodin limit of Woodin cardinals. Ann. of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 116 (2002), pp. 67–155.
Alex Andretta, Itay Neeman, and John Steel, The domestic levels of \(K^c\) are iterable. Israel J. of Math., vol. 125 (2001), pp. 157–201.
Itay Neeman and Jindrich Zapletal, Proper forcing and \(L({\mathbb R})\). J. of Symb. Logic, vol. 66 (2001), pp. 801–810.
Itay Neeman, Unraveling \(\Pi^1_1\) sets. Ann. of Pure and Applied Logic, vol. 106 (2000), pp. 151–205.
Itay Neeman and John Steel, A weak Dodd–Jensen lemma. J. of Symb. Logic, vol. 64 (1999), pp. 1285–1294.
Itay Neeman, Games of countable length. In Sets and Proofs, LMS Lecture Note Series 258, pp. 159–196, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Itay Neeman and Jindrich Zapletal, Proper forcing and absoluteness in \(L({\mathbb R})\). Commentationes Math. Uni. Carolinea, vol. 39 (1998), pp. 281–301.
Itay Neeman, Optimal proofs of determinacy. Bull. of Symb. Logic, vol. 1 (1995), pp. 327–339.