Math 225A: Differentiable Manifolds
Date | Tentative topic |
10/2 (Fri) |
Review of topology and linear algebra |
HW1, due 10/9 |
10/5 (Mon) |
Review of differentiation |
10/7 |
Manifolds; examples |
10/9 |
Smooth functions and smooth maps |
due 10/16 |
10/12 |
The inverse function theorem |
10/14 |
Submersions |
10/16 |
Immersions and embeddings | HW3,
due 10/23 |
10/19 |
Tangent spaces, Day I | |
10/21 |
Tangent spaces, Day II | |
10/23 |
The tangent bundle | HW4,
due 10/30 |
10/26 |
Cotangent bundles and 1-forms | |
10/28 |
Lie groups | |
10/30 |
Vector bundles, Day I | HW5,
due 11/6 |
11/2 |
Vector bundles, Day II |
11/4 |
Tensor products | |
11/6 |
Tensor and exterior algebra | HW6,
due 11/13 |
11/9 |
Differential k-forms | |
11/11 |
No class (Veterans Day) | |
11/13 |
De Rham cohomology | HW7,
due 11/20 |
11/16 |
Mayer-Vietoris sequence; some homological algebra | |
11/18 |
Integration | |
11/20 |
Stokes' theorem | HW8,
due 11/30 |
11/23 |
Applications of Stokes' theorem | |
11/25 |
Evaluating cohomology classes, degree | |
11/27 |
No class (Thanksgiving
break) |
11/30 |
Lie derivatives | HW9, due 12/11 (this is the last day of classes!) |
12/2 |
Homotopy properties | |
12/4 |
Vector fields | |
12/7 |
Vector fields and Lie derivatives | |
12/9 |
Relationship between d and [,] | |
12/11 |
Frobenius theorem |
Final exam is
take-home! |