Math 115A: Linear AlgebraFall 2020 In this course we introduce the basic notions
in abstract linear algebra. Instructor: Ko Honda
TA: Eilon
Reisin-Tzur (ereisint
at math dot ucla dot edu) Class Meetings: Every week there will be three hours of lecture as well as two hours of discussion.
Remote learning/teaching: I
plan to provide lecture notes for each lecture and also record
the lectures. If for some reason (i) my internet
connection is not working or is cut off or (ii) your connection
is cut off, please read the lecture notes and the
textbook. Also, if there are technical difficulties when
you're taking a quiz/exam or you have personal difficulties
(such as illness) on the day of the quiz/exam, please send me an
email and we'll try to make alternate arrangements.
(I realize that the internet connection is not always reliable
and some people have less-than-ideal study conditions at home,
so I'll try to be flexible.) Topics
This class participates in a textbook program called Inclusive Access. You should be receiving an e-mail from the UCLA Store with instructions on how to access your course content on CCLE. (The e-mail will be sent to the address on file with the registrar’s office.) Everyone enrolled in the course will automatically be granted access to the digital course materials. Important: If you do not opt out and are still enrolled after ??? you will be billed ???? to your Bruin Bill account. If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail the UCLA Store at Prerequisite: Math 33A REQUIREMENTS: You are responsible for carefully reading the following and being aware of all the requirements. Please ask questions about anything you don't understand. Grading System
Gradescope: We will use Gradescope for
all quizzes, the midterm exam, and the final exam. You will have a 24-hour window to
complete each quiz or exam on the dates indicated. The
quizzes will have a strict 50-minute time limit from the time
you start the quiz. On the other hand, for the midterm
and the final, you have the full 24 hours to complete the
test. For example for Quiz 1 on Tues 10/6, the window is
all day Tues 10/6, Pacific Time. Midterm Exam: Wednesday, November 4. This is intended to be an hour exam that you can take the full 24 hours to finish. Final Exam: Tuesday, December 15. This is
intended to be a 3-hour exam that you can take the full 24 hours
to finish. The instructor strongly adheres to the University policies regarding academic integrity violations, and will strictly enforce these rules. You are encouraged to review the UCLA Student Conduct Code. You're required to provide a handwritten pledge of academic honesty; this is part of Quiz 1. WARNING: In view of the current
situation, it is quite possible that deviations from the
syllabus become necessary. Last modified: October 1, 2020. |